version: "2"
image: griefed/curseforge-bot:latest
container_name: curseforge-bot
restart: unless-stopped
- TZ=Europe/Berlin # Timezone
- ROLE_ID=000000000 # (Optional) The ID of the discord role mentioned when the bot makes a post
- PUID=1000 # User ID
- PROJECT_ID=430517 # The ID of your Curseforge project
- PGID=1000 # Group ID
- GITHUB_TOKEN # (Optional) Required if you want the cache of the bot to be synched to a github repository. Create an github access token with full
- GITHUB_REPO=CurseforgeBotCache # (Optional) If using GITHUB_TOKEN this will be the name of the repo where the bot will store the cache
- FILE_LINK=curse # direct-link to file or curseforge-link on project page or nolink.
- DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID=000000000 # The ID of the channel you want the bot to post in
- DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=InsertHere # Your discord bot-token
- DESCRIPTION='New File(s) Detected For CurseForge Project(s)' # This sets the text that appears as the message description in the update notification
- CHANGELOG_FORMAT=md # yml or md or css. Only choose one syntax. Can be very usefull if project owner/author uses discord MarkDown formatting in their changelog.
- /host/path/to/config:/config # Where the bot-conf will be stored