version: "2"
image: griefed/monitorss-clone:latest
container_name: monitorss-clone
restart: unless-stopped
- PUID=1000 # User ID
- PGID=1000 # Group ID
- DRSS_START=bot-web # Determine what parts of MonitoRSS to start. Input bot to only start the bot, web to start only the web, or bot-web to start both.
- DRSS_DATABASE_URI=mongodb://mrss-mongo:27017/rss # MongoDB database URI. Cannot be a folder URI (data would not persist across reboots).
- DRSS_BOT_TOKEN=123456 # Discord Bot token. Get it here: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/.
- DRSS_BOT_PREFIX=~ # Prefix for commands
- DRSS_BOT_OWNERIDS=123456 # Owner ID(s), separate multiple with a comma.
- DRSSWEB_DATABASE_URI=mongodb://mrss-mongo:27017/rss # REQUIRED IF DRSS_START IS web OR bot-web. MongoDB database URI. Must be the same as DRSS_DATABASE_URI.
- DRSSWEB_DATABASE_REDIS=redis://mrss-redis:6379 # Redis database URI.
- DRSSWEB_BOT_TOKEN=123456 # REQUIRED IF DRSS_START IS web OR bot-web. Use the same token as DRSS_BOT_TOKEN.
- DRSSWEB_BOT_REDIRECTURI=http://localhost:8081/authorize # REQUIRED IF DRSS_START IS web OR bot-web. Insert the domain name appending /authorize. Example on heroku: https://APPNAME.herokuapp.com/authorize. Make sure the exact url is also set set under the application OAuth2 tab under redirects.
- DRSSWEB_BOT_CLIENTSECRET=123456 # REQUIRED IF DRSS_START IS web OR bot-web. Found on your app page at Discord Developers at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/
- DRSSWEB_BOT_CLIENTID=123456 # REQUIRED IF DRSS_START IS web OR bot-web. App ID that can be found on the general information page at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/. This should only contain numbers.
- DRSSWEB_ADMINIDS=123456 # REQUIRED IF DRSS_START IS web OR bot-web. Web admin ID(s), separate multiple with commas.
- 8081:8081/tcp # (When using web) Port at which the web interface will be available at